
Microbial Contamination

Reliable Property Damage Restoration Services in Portland, OR

With a mold damage mitigation technician, you can get your home back to normal.

Microbial Contamination refers to a variety of microorganisms, including mold, bacteria, viruses and protozoa, and fungi, which includes molds, yeasts, and their byproducts and toxins. all of these can affect the health of a building and its occupants

The most common microbial contamination is sewage

Sewage (such as human or animal fecal matter) poses a very dangerous health hazard, primarily bacteria, and viruses. Sewage in its liquid form will travel anywhere within a building if not stopped in a timely manner. This is why it is important to consider a sewage spill as an emergency. Our 24/7 emergency response team is IICRC certified for the remediation of microbial contamination as well as Biohazard and Hazmat cleanup.

The most common microbial contamination is sewage

Sewage (such as human or animal fecal matter) poses a very dangerous health hazard, primarily bacteria, and viruses. Sewage in its liquid form will travel anywhere within a building if not stopped in a timely manner. This is why it is important to consider a sewage spill as an emergency. Our 24/7 emergency response team is IICRC certified for the remediation of microbial contamination as well as Biohazard and Hazmat cleanup.

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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

For 24/7 Emergency Response

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